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Von Duprin 55 Arm Brushing 050333

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1 Week Lead Time

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The Von Duprin 55 Arm Brushing 050333 takes up the slack between the lever arms and the housing.  It measures 13/16" outside diameter by 5/16" high.

Von Duprin 050333


Norton Shopping Guarantee

The Von Duprin 55 Arm Brushing 050333 takes up the slack between the lever arms and the housing.  It measures 13/16" outside diameter by 5/16" high.

Von Duprin 050333


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Part # 55R240
Availability 1 Week Lead Time
Manufacturer Von Duprin Exit Devices

The Von Duprin 55 Arm Brushing 050333 takes up the slack between the lever arms and the housing.  It measures 13/16" outside diameter by 5/16" high.

Von Duprin 050333


Detailed Description

The Von Duprin 55 Arm Brushing 050333 takes up the slack between the lever arms and the housing.  It measures 13/16" outside diameter by 5/16" high.

Von Duprin 050333


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Von Duprin 55 Arm Brushing 050333